The following is not intended to be spiritual in any way. It's just me having some fun with words and lots of alliteration.
A - Angela always ate April's awful apple-sauce at Alaska's August Apple-fest and acquiescing any approval a.
B - "Bang-bang!" Brawling Bill's blazing bullets buzzed by Bubba's big backside behind Bob's Bar, breaking Budweiser bottles but
C - Charlie chose Charlotte's cherry champagne, cherishing
D -
E - Even Evan envies Edgar's energetic efforts encroaching Ellen's enterprises
F - Frankly, Frank feared forgetting Francis' forget-me-nots from Freda's front-yard's foliage.
G -
H -
I -
J -
K - Krystal's king-size kicks B-King's junior.
L - Lazy lime-green lizards lying 'long Larry's lounge-chair learned large flip-flops can be dangerous.
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
Xavier excelled at expressing
himself on xylophone
while exiled with Xerxes
- and his eczema -
on Xiushan.
Their excellent plan for exploiting
a Xanax Express into Xian
got exposed by the X-ray techs
and expunged by Xianese security.
and expunged by Xianese security.
Extremely exasperated
by their lack of exculpatory excuses,
with no hope of exoneration,
the ex-smuggler exclaimed, while
using the expletive for excrement, "#%^¥#!!!!!!!
We should have used FedEx!"
Xeroxing this attitude,
hopeless for exit strategies
or extractions to Texas by the Xmen,
the other ex-con excreted,
"I could sure use some of those Xanaxes!"
Y - Yvette yanked Yuri's yak yurt-ward, yelling, "Yoda! Yield yourself !"
Z - Zach's zinc-colored Zephyr zoomed zoo-ward, zebu and zebra in tow.