Thunder snow
Terrorists terrorize
Innocents meet demise
Global problem multiplies
Worldly leaders theorize
In the world we have had tribulation
Unending war
Increasing poor
Famines with disease
Pandemics roar
Compounding more
Drown out needy pleas
In the world we have had tribulation

Crews drink, cruisers sink
Endangering all who trust
Fortunes stored on ocean floors
For barnacles and rust
In the world we have had tribulation
Reveals and trashes
The fraud of Nostradamus
May 15th tornado crashes
Rancho Brazos houses
Here in Granbury many have had tribulation
Lingering draught, shrinking lake
Rain without, authorities take
Taxing shorelines not so great
Here in Granbury many have had tribulation
20/20 vision fails to see
Corona little virus - disease 19
Millions taking shelter
Keeping social space
Unless deemed essential
All must hold in place
In the world we are having tribulation
that in Me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world.”
See that you are not troubled; for all these things
must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation will rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom.
And there will be famines, pestilences,
and earthquakes in various places....
And then many will be offended,
will betray one another,
and will hate one another.
Then many false prophets
will rise up and deceive many.
And because lawlessness will abound,
the love of many will grow cold....
And this gospel of the kingdom
will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations,
and then the end will come.....”
Sleeting storms
Crippled metroplexes
Power down, frozen towns
Polar vortex touches Texas
In the world you will have tribulation
Falling rains, rising floods
Stranding many on their roofs
Dozens slain, sliding mud
Dirty avalanche on the loose
In the world you will have tribulation
Wild fires, uncontrolled
Fire-starters, unpatrolled
Fire-nadoes, beyond belief
Firefighters, need relief
In the world you will have tribulation
Whirlwinds, cyclones
Earthquakes under seas
Hurricanes, typhoons
Tidal wave tsunamis
In the world you will have tribulation
Allison, Isabelle
Rita and the likes of Ike
Katrina in New Orleans
The failure of a dike
In the world you will have tribulation
Sink holes, opening up
Swallowing much into the muck
Hopeless blame on bad luck
Experts speechless from the shock
In the world you will have tribulation
Nations quake,
Bureaucrats crack
Leaders shake,
Whistleblowers rat
In the world we have had tribulation
Crippled metroplexes
Power down, frozen towns
Polar vortex touches Texas
In the world you will have tribulation
Falling rains, rising floods
Stranding many on their roofs
Dozens slain, sliding mud

In the world you will have tribulation
Wild fires, uncontrolled
Fire-starters, unpatrolled
Fire-nadoes, beyond belief
Firefighters, need relief
In the world you will have tribulation
Whirlwinds, cyclones
Earthquakes under seas
Hurricanes, typhoons

In the world you will have tribulation
Allison, Isabelle
Rita and the likes of Ike
Katrina in New Orleans
The failure of a dike
In the world you will have tribulation
Sink holes, opening up
Swallowing much into the muck
Hopeless blame on bad luck

In the world you will have tribulation
Nations quake,
Bureaucrats crack
Leaders shake,
Whistleblowers rat
In the world we have had tribulation
Terrorists terrorize
Innocents meet demise
Global problem multiplies

In the world we have had tribulation
Unending war
Increasing poor
Famines with disease
Pandemics roar
Compounding more
Drown out needy pleas
In the world we have had tribulation

Crews drink, cruisers sink
Endangering all who trust
Fortunes stored on ocean floors
For barnacles and rust
In the world we have had tribulation
Reveals and trashes
The fraud of Nostradamus
May 15th tornado crashes
Rancho Brazos houses
Here in Granbury many have had tribulation
Lingering draught, shrinking lake
Rain without, authorities take
Taxing shorelines not so great
Here in Granbury many have had tribulation
20/20 vision fails to see
Corona little virus - disease 19
Millions taking shelter
Keeping social space
Unless deemed essential
All must hold in place
In the world we are having tribulation
Jesus said these days would come
But by His victory we’d overcome
From His peace, we can have peace
With His Spirit, we find relief
Through His truth, we get set free
By His grace, we now believe.
He promised His followers,
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world.”
JOHN 16:33
Christ also said,
“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things
must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation will rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom.
And there will be famines, pestilences,
and earthquakes in various places....
And then many will be offended,
will betray one another,
and will hate one another.
Then many false prophets
will rise up and deceive many.
And because lawlessness will abound,
the love of many will grow cold....
And this gospel of the kingdom
will be preached in all the world
as a witness to all the nations,
and then the end will come.....”
MATTHEW 24:6-7,10-12,14