About Me

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Granbury, Texas, United States
I love God and His people; starting with Yvette, my wife since '77, our family, congregation, community, state, nation, and continuing around the world.

Saturday, January 25, 2025


One of the earliest episodes of Startrek was entitled, The Trouble With Tribbles.  The storyline featured little furry creatures – called Tribbles - that were brought on board the USS Enterprize from some (fictitious) planet.  To the crew’’s dismay, these critters began multiplying so fast that eventually they became pests and had to be removed from the Starship.

Have you ever noticed that troubles – like tribbles – can be like just that?

What might be a minor annoyance can eventually become a catastrophe.

Like a snowball rolling across damp snow in winter, problems can attract more problems, resulting in greater difficulty than at first.