About Me

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Granbury, Texas, United States
I love God and His people; starting with Yvette, my wife since '77, our family, congregation, community, state, nation, and continuing around the world.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Do I believe in true holiness?

As a former (short-term) Governor of Alaska would say, "You bethcha!"

I believe in true holiness more today than I ever have.

Those who think they can be holy on their own - by obeying man-made rules - are cheapening and darkening the most elementary understanding of the holiness of God.

God is so holy, His name is Holy.

His name is Holy, because He is holy.

He is holy because He is altogether seperate in terms of His purity, His intellect, His power and His presence.

He is holy because He is peerless in all realms of royalty and majesty.

Don't get me started!

He is holy in terms of His beauty and there is none as beautiful as the Almighty.

There are amazing creatures at His throne looking upon His beauty and all they can say - in response to what they are seeing - is, "Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Who was and is and is to come" (John wrote that they say it 9 times, see the margin in REVELATION 4:8).

"Who was..." He is holy, holy, holy in the past!
"and is....." He is holy, holy, holy in the present!
"and is to come." He is holy, holy, holy in the future!

Somebody stop me!

When we stand on holy ground, the priviledge is ours and none of us can take the credit. (We still love the song Geron).

Jesus Himself is our only genuiine standard of and for holiness and we can only maybe just barely possibly begin to scratch the dust on the surface of what it means to begin to be holy by obeying Jesus' command to follow Him.

"Follow Me and I will make you......."  JESUS CHRIST

God's command to be holy as He is holy is only made possible by following Him as He enables us to do so.