In our quest of moral purity and lives that reflect the priceless righteousness with which Christ's followers have been accredited; we must not lose sight of His love for sinful people.
Do we really know and connect with the real Jesus?
I am talking about Jesus of Nazareth, the One and Only Who –
• Ate with fishermen who had not washed their hands.
• Spent time with crooked lawyers and tax agents.
• Was labeled a friend of sinners.
• Befriended impetuous Peter and 2 mommy's boys, James & John; and Judas Iscariot.
• Went to a hated white collar criminal’s house for a visit (Zacceus).
• Was seen touching an unclean leper.
. Helped a man in chains who lived in a graveyard near a pig farm.
• Provided over 120 gallons of excellent wine for a wedding.
. Forgave an immoral woman and let her go unpunished.
• Let a woman with a bad reputation show Him great affection.
• Learned to live with false rumors and grew up being called a bastard.
• Had to move beyond the small thinking and rejection of his hometown.
• Loved and helped people in spite of their betraying flaws.
Can I get a witness up in here? Somebody stop me!
We will never be evangelistically wise and fruitful if we do not love those whom Jesus loves, as they are.

Do we really know and connect with the real Jesus?
I am talking about Jesus of Nazareth, the One and Only Who –
• Ate with fishermen who had not washed their hands.
• Spent time with crooked lawyers and tax agents.
• Was labeled a friend of sinners.
• Befriended impetuous Peter and 2 mommy's boys, James & John; and Judas Iscariot.
• Went to a hated white collar criminal’s house for a visit (Zacceus).
• Was seen touching an unclean leper.
. Helped a man in chains who lived in a graveyard near a pig farm.
• Provided over 120 gallons of excellent wine for a wedding.
. Forgave an immoral woman and let her go unpunished.
• Let a woman with a bad reputation show Him great affection.
• Learned to live with false rumors and grew up being called a bastard.
• Had to move beyond the small thinking and rejection of his hometown.
• Loved and helped people in spite of their betraying flaws.
Can I get a witness up in here? Somebody stop me!
We will never be evangelistically wise and fruitful if we do not love those whom Jesus loves, as they are.