Language is a vehicle that He created with all of its differences and dialects - and abilities to change with times and places - yet remaining able to communicate His timeless truths in countless ways so that people in every place and time will be able to understand.
Therefore, we can all rest assured that the following prophecy of Scripture will one day come to pass everywhere - for all people - in every language.
“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee* should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth**, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue*** should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
* “every knee” means every person is going to bow to their knees.
** "in heaven, on earth and under the earth" means that this amazing event will take place everywhere.
*** “every tongue” means every language will be spoken
(γλῶσσα, i. e. glossa is the Greek word the writer used here, meaning language)
Here is a sampling of exactly what is going to happen when this prophecy is fulfilled:
In Africa, all those speaking Swahili will bow their knees and say, “Yesu Kristo ni Bwana”
In Bulgaria, all the Bulgarians will bow their knees and say “Исус Христос е Господ”
In Creole, all the Haitians will bow their knees and say, “Jezikri se Seyè”
In Croatia, all the Croatians will bow their knees and say, “'Isus Krist je Gospodin”
In English, all the English speakers of the world will bow their knees and say, “Jesus
Christ is Lord”
In French, all those from France will bow their knees and say, “Jésus-Christ est Seigneur”
In Germany, all the Germans will bow their knees and say, “Jesus Christus ist der Herr”
In Greece, all the Greeks will bow their knees and say, “κυριος ιησους χριστος”
In Holland, all the Dutch will bow their knees and say, “Jezus Christus de Here is”
In Hungarian, all the Hungarians will bow their knees and say, “Jézus Krisztus Úr”
In Icelandic, all the people from Iceland will bow their knees and say, “Jesús Kristur er Drottinn
In Italy, all the Italians will bow their knees and say, “Gesú Cristo è il Signore
In Macedonia, all the Macedonians will bow their knees and say, “Исус Христос е Господ”
In New Zealand, all the ethnic Maori’s will bow their knees and say, “Ihu Karaiti te Ariki“
In Norway, all the Norwegians will bow their knees and say, “Jesus Kristus er Herre”
In Portugal and Brazil, all Portuguese speakers will bow their knees and say, “Jesus Cristo é Senhor”
In Romania, all Romanians will bow their knees and say, “Isus Hristos este Domnul”
In Russia, all Russians will bow their knees and say, “Господь Иисус Христос в славу”
In Slovenia, all Slovenians will bow their knees and say, “Ježiš Kristus je Pán”
In Spanish, all Hispanics will bow their knees and say, “Jesucristo es el Señor”
In Tagalog, all those who speak it from the Philippines will bow their knees and say, “Jesucristo ang Panginoon”
In Ukrainian, all those from the Ukraine will bow their knees and say, “Ісус Христос то Господь”
In Vietnam, everyone will bow their knees and say in their native tongue, “Jêsus Christ là Chúa”
We could go on and on with this, but I think you get the point, but if not, one day you surely will.
“Jesus Christ is Lord! To the Glory of God the Father!”